Search Results for "forum topic rat ai" (2 / 9)

...Here’s a couple posts regarding iPhone development on a Windows machine:

Hi Nat, Here's a link to the main website: If you click on Shadows Call on the top left you'll get to more details. There is an update currently awaiting approval that adds save/continue to the game, based on code you posted on the Cocos2d forum. (that's ho...

High five, bro! Good choices. :) If you are worried about creating AI, I recommend starting with the rat AI because that should be real easy and straightforward. The Red Dragon Nain AI, however, is much, much more involved. Consider putting a "(maybe)" next to your name and then after you have cr...

Actually, it's the other way around. "Node space" refers to the coordinates of our level objects, tile map, etc... "World space" refers to the coordinates of touches, the HUD, the actual iPhone screen, etc... Try right clicking on convertToNodeSpaceAR and do a "Jump to Definition". You will get...

Your Favorite Game of All Time?

Welcome to your iPhone Game Kit forum, where creators of iPhone / iPad games share insight, code, links, tricks, graphics, and, of course, dating advice. :) If you want an avatar, sign up for Gravatar , apply it to the email address you used for this forum, and your avatar will magically appear....

How to Make Games With the iPhone Game Kit 5.0

Dear customers, we're proud to announce the new iPhone Game Kit 5.0! A whole heck of a lot has improved and we're so excited to share it with you. We took the feedback you provided in the survey to heart. Some of you wanted to learn about physics. Some of you multiplayer. Some wanted to see the ...

ignore – double post (lag)

...Has anyone worked in a machine gun style code yet? I am going to try and use some ideas from the below link:

Machine gun source code?

...Has anyone done this yet? I am going to try and use the below code for ideas.

Problem with tiled map when moving camera

Hello all, i am having some problems with map panning using the camera, i did a very simple method to update the camera position every 1/30 second ( scheduling an update) at a speed of 10 pixel per second: -(void)moveMap1: (ccTime) dt{ float fy = 10 * dt; CGPoint p =ccpAdd(currentPos, ccp(c...

@straydogstrut: Hi. How are the game design schools these days? Regarding the Game Kit, yes, the knowledge covered can be applied to other game genres. The book goes into the basics of Objective C, Cocos2D, and introduces you to many applicable topics such as the Zwoptex spritesheet maker, touch-...

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