Search Results for "forum topic my game just launched" (1 / 80)

My Game Just Launched

Hi everyone I participated in phase 1 of the community project but then i got too busy launching this game to help out with phase 2 My game just launched I built it using by teffen Itterheim (i hope nat doesnt mind the plug) I plan on building with Nat's game kit someday too my site http://...

5 Cocos2D iPhone Game Source Code Kits to Revolutionize Your Game Development

Writing a game can be tough work. Seriously. All that code and debugging. All those pixels and multiple resolutions. Thankfully there's a few souls who have made the process of making games easier . In this roundup review, we'll cover three game source code packages that you don't want to miss ...

What is Cocos2D and Why is it One of the Best iPhone Game Engines?

Cocos2D is the leading, open-source, royalty-free smartphone game engine. It's easy to use, community-supported, reliable, mature, and over 1500 mobile iOS games have been published using it! And now, thanks to Cocos2D-X, it's possible to release games for Android with the same codebase. Wh...

CCZSprite and HudLevelSprite, Two Cocos2D Extensions You Need to Know About

Solving a Z-Ordering Issue The square containing our hero sprite covers the rock above... ...A possible solution causes the background to bleed through... ...Ahhh. Fixed! Cocos2D is quite a complete 2D game engine and it is always growing. However, what do you do when it just can...

Search on forum

...Why isn’t it possible to search in the forum ?...



Game Design Lessons: Introducing Flow

This is a set of game design lessons covering theory and concept tools. It’s intended to expand on the Game Kit’s topics, but on a different scope. We are not yet sure for how long will it run, or what topics will it cover: we need you for that! Go ahead and leave feedback through any mean y...

Monster Checkers – 31 build issues

There are 31 build issues when I build the project, none of them are fatal errors and the project still compiles - is this something that everyone is experiencing? How would I fix these issues, is it possible? Thanks! Issues are: MonsterCheckers Group /Users/hombero/Desktop/Development/Objec...

Reply To: Search on forum

...Click on the Blog tab above and there is a search box at the top....

Reply To: Search on forum

...Thanks stmaddox...

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