Wizard Fu's Cocos2dx Platformer Game Engine v1.0.1


See the file LICENSE for the license governing this code.

The Kit namespace provides generic / fundamental functions. There are functions to get the current time, scale a value for a given display ratio and determine if a display is retina.

Kit sections all devices / computers / consoles into three categories based on maximum and minimum screen dimensions. A display of 1024 x 768 has a max dimension of 1024 and min dimension of 768, for example. Thinking of displays in terms of maximum and minimum dimensions simplifies things by removing orientation from the equation.

  1. SD. Max screen dimension 959 pixels. Example: iPhone 3GS at 480 x 320.
  2. HD. Max screen dimension of 2047 pixels. Example: iPhone 4S at 960 x 640 or desktop computer at 1600 x 900.
  3. HDR. Max screen dimension of 2048 or greater. Example: iPad retina at 2048 x 1536 or Macbook Pro retina at 2560 x 1600.

A further distinction is made between a large screens and small screens. Small screens have a minimum screen dimension less than 768 pixels.

Kit.h / Kit.cpp are meant to be able to be included in any type of game project.

#pragma once
#include "Libraries.h"


Directory names for your game’s SD, HD and HDR Asset subdirectories. If your game does not have separate tiers of art assets, these can safely be ignored.

const char* const kSDPath = "SD";
const char* const kHDPath = "HD";
const char* const kHDRPath = "HDR";

Kit namespace

namespace Kit

Initialize given the screen size in pixels.

	void init(const Size& screenPixelSize);

Return design specifications for the initialized screen.

	void getSpecs(Size& designResolution, float& scaleFactor, string& assetSubdir);

Returns true if the current screen is HD (has a max screen dimension >= 960).

	bool isHD();

Returns true if the current screen is small (has a min screen dimension < 768).

	bool isSmallScreen();

Returns true if retina display is available and enabled.

	bool isRetina();

Returns true if the device has a 16 x 9 display.

	bool is16x9();

The Kit::scale method scales an SD-centric value up to the appropriate scale for the current screen regardless of retina. Kit::scale(1) will return 1 for all SD non-retina screens and 2 otherwise. Meant to be used with point as opposed to pixel math.

	float scale(float f);

Return a position offset from the middle of the screen and scaled for the current screen.

	Vec2 centralize(const Vec2& p);

Return the inverse of cocos2d::Director‘s content scale.

	float getInverseContentScale();

Get / set whether the device is fullscreen.

	bool isFullscreen();
	void setIsFullscreen(bool);

Returns the current absolute time in seconds (seconds since 1970).

	double time();

Returns the amount of time in seconds that the game has been running.

	double upTime();

Calls the appropriate method to run the given scene (either Director::runWithScene or Director::replaceScene).

	void runScene(Scene* scene);

Returns true if the resource filename exists in the game’s bundle.

	bool resourceExists(const string& filename);

Returns true if the sprite frame exists and is cached in memory.

	bool spriteFrameExists(const string& filename);

Returns the maximum texture size in pixels.

	int maxTextureSize();

Returns the current memory usage in bytes.

	long getMemoryUsage();

Format a string. It printfs to a static char buffer and returns a pointer. Do not nest calls to this method (because it uses a static buffer).

	const char* const stringWithFormat(const char* format, ...);
	const char* const stringWithFormat(const char* format, va_list args);

Parse a string into an integer vector given the delimiter.

	void parseVector(const string& str, int& val1, int& val2, char delim);

Parse a map value into an integer vector given the delimiter.

	void parseVector(ValueMap& properties, const string& key, int& val1, int& val2, char delim);

Parse value map string value into range of integers. Example: “32-48” will become 32 and 48. Single value equivalent to specifying min and max. Example “32” becomes 32 and 32.

	void parseRange(ValueMap& properties, const string& key, int& min, int& max);
	void parseRangeArray(ValueMap& properties, const string& key, vector<int>& mins, vector<int>& maxs);

Parse a string into a color.

	Color3B parseColor(const string& color, const Color3B& defaultColor);

Return a value map safely from inside another value map.

	const ValueMap& safeValueMapKey(ValueMap& map, const string& key);

Return a value vector safely from inside a value map.

	const ValueVector& safeValueVectorKey(ValueMap& map, const string& key);

Return the sprite frame from the animation for the given frame number.

	SpriteFrame* getSpriteFrame(Animation* anim, int frameNumber);

Return true if the point is inside the polygon.

	bool isInsidePolygon(const Vec2& p, const vector<Vec2>& poly);

Base64 encode / decode.

	void decodeBase64(const char* input, string& output);
	void encodeBase64(const void* input, size_t size, string& output);


#ifdef NDEBUG
	// comment this to enable logging in release mode
	#define NOLOG
#ifdef NOLOG
	#define Log(...) do {} while (0)
	#define Log(...) cocos2d::log(__VA_ARGS__)


#ifdef NDEBUG // if release mode
	#define Assert(...) do {} while (0)
	#define Assert1(...) do {} while (0)
	#define Assert2(...) do {} while (0)
	#define Assert3(...) do {} while (0)
	#define Assert4(...) do {} while (0)
	#define Assert5(...) do {} while (0)
	void Assert(bool condition, const char* const message);
	#define Assert1(condition, format, param1) if(!(condition)) Assert(condition, Kit::stringWithFormat(format, param1))
	#define Assert2(condition, format, param1, param2) if(!(condition)) Assert(condition, Kit::stringWithFormat(format, param1, param2) )
	#define Assert3(condition, format, param1, param2, param3) if(!(condition)) Assert(condition, Kit::stringWithFormat(format, param1, param2, param3) )
	#define Assert4(condition, format, param1, param2, param3, param4) if(!(condition)) Assert(condition, Kit::stringWithFormat(format, param1, param2, param3, param4) )
	#define Assert5(condition, format, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5) if(!(condition)) Assert(condition, Kit::stringWithFormat(format, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5) )

Fundamental library

Functions and macros too fundamental to be prefixed with Kit::.

A simple void / void function callback type.

typedef function<void ()> callbackType;

Return true if an object inherits from or belongs to a class.

#define isClass(object, class) (dynamic_cast<class*>(object) != nullptr)

Get a pointer to the subclass of an object (essentially just a shortened version of dynamic_cast<SomeClass*>(someObject)).

#define getSubclass(object, class) dynamic_cast<class*>(object);

Implement a public getter method and protected member variable using pass by value.

#define GETTER(varType, varName, functionName) \
	protected: varType varName; \
	public: virtual varType get##functionName(void) const {return varName;}

Implement a public getter method and protected member variable using pass by reference.

#define GETTER_BYREF(varType, varName, functionName) \
	protected: varType varName; \
	public: virtual const varType& get##functionName(void) const {return varName;}

Implement a public getter method, public setter method and protected member variable using pass by value.

#define GETTER_SETTER(varType, varName, functionName) \
	protected: varType varName; \
	public: virtual varType get##functionName(void) const {return varName;} \
	public: virtual void set##functionName(varType var) {varName = var;}

Implement a public getter method, public setter method and protected member variable using pass by reference.

#define GETTER_SETTER_BYREF(varType, varName, functionName) \
	protected: varType varName; \
	public: virtual const varType& get##functionName(void) const {return varName;} \
	public: virtual void set##functionName(const varType& var) {varName = var;}

Return a value clamped inclusively between a minimum and maximum.

template<class T> T clamp(const T& val, const T& min, const T& max)
	return (val > max ? max : (val < min ? min : val));

Return a random float between 0 and 1 using rand.

inline float randf01()
	return (float)(rand() % RAND_MAX) / (float)RAND_MAX;

Return a random float between -1 and 1 using rand.

inline float randf()
	return (randf01() - 0.5f) * 2.0f;

Return the sign of the value. Values > 0 return 1. Values <= 0 return -1.

template<class T> inline T sign(const T& val)
	return (val > 0 ? 1 : -1);

Create a new sprite given the filename which can be either the name of a sprite frame or the name of an image file. Sprite is meant to be released by calling releaseSprite.

template<class SpriteClass> inline SpriteClass* newSprite(const string& filename)
	auto frame = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->getSpriteFrameByName(filename);
	auto sprite = new SpriteClass;
	if (frame)
	return sprite;

Release the given sprite.

template<class SpriteClass> inline void releaseSprite(SpriteClass* sprite)
	if (sprite)

Parse a string value into a long integer.

inline int parseInt(const string& str)
	return (int)strtol(str.c_str(), nullptr, 10);

Parse a string value into a floating point value.

inline float parseFloat(const string& str)
	return strtof(str.c_str(), nullptr);

These functions check if a container has a key.

template<class T>
inline bool hasValue(const vector<T>& vec, const T& value)
	return find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), value) != vec.end();

template<class T, class U>
inline bool hasKey(const string& key, map<T, U>& map)
	return map.find(key) != map.end();

template<class T, class U>
inline bool hasKey(const string& key, unordered_map<T, U>& map)
	return map.find(key) != map.end();

inline bool hasStringVal(const string& key, ValueMap& map)
	return map.find(key) != map.end() && map[key].getType() == Value::Type::STRING;

Return the lowercase version of a string.

inline string lowercase(const string& str)
	string lower = str;
	transform(lower.begin(), lower.end(), lower.begin(), ::tolower);
	return lower;

Split the given string by the given delimiter and store result in the given container.

inline void split(const string& s, char delim, vector<string>& elems)
	stringstream ss(s);
	string item;
	while(std::getline(ss, item, delim))

inline void split(const string& s, char delim, map<string, bool>& elems)
	stringstream ss(s);
	string item;
	while(std::getline(ss, item, delim))
		elems[item] = true;

Apply a tone to a color. Tones > 1 make the color brighter. Tones < 1 make the color darker.

inline Color3B applyTone(const Color3B& color, float tone)
	return Color3B(
		clamp((int)(color.r * tone), 0, 255),
		clamp((int)(color.g * tone), 0, 255),
		clamp((int)(color.b * tone), 0, 255)


An enumeration of the four basic directions. Provides methods to convert directions to vectors and vice versa.


Return the opposite direction.

inline int oppositeDirection(int dir)
	return (dir + (kNumDirs >> 1)) % kNumDirs;

Convert a direction to a vector.

inline Vec2 vectorFromDirection(int dir)
	switch (dir)
		case kUp: return Vec2(0.0f, 1.0f);
		case kRight: return Vec2(1.0f, 0.0f);
		case kDown: return Vec2(0.0f, -1.0f);
		case kLeft: return Vec2(-1.0f, 0.0f);
	return Vec2::ZERO;

Convert a vector to a direction.

inline int directionFromVector(const Vec2& v)
	if (v.x == 0.0f && v.y == -1.0f)
		return kDown;
	else if (v.x == 0.0f && v.y == 1.0f)
		return kUp;
	else if (v.x == -1.0f && v.y == 0.0f)
		return kLeft;
	else if (v.x == 1.0f && v.y == 0.0f)
		return kRight;
	return -1;

Convert a string to a direction. Example: “up” == kUp.

inline int directionFromString(const string& str)
	if (str == "up") return kUp;
	else if (str == "right") return kRight;
	else if (str == "down") return kDown;
	else if (str == "left") return kLeft;
	return -1;


Represents a color in hue, saturation, value format.

struct ColorHSV
	unsigned char h;
	unsigned char s;
	unsigned char v;

	ColorHSV(const Color3B& rgb);

	ColorHSV& operator=(const ColorHSV& rhs);
	ColorHSV& operator=(const Color3B& rhs);

Convert the HSV color to RGB.

	Color3B toRGB() const;
	static Color3B toRGB(int h, int s, int v);