Wizard Fu's Cocos2dx Platformer Game Engine v1.0.1


See the file LICENSE for the license governing this code.

This file contains the constant settings, tags and other enumerations used by the game.

#pragma once

#define kDrawDebugBoxes 0
#define kLogConstructDestruct 0
	#define kDoOnScreenButtons 1
	#define kDoOnScreenButtons 0

static bool kSkipTitle = false;
const bool kSaveOnExit = false;
const bool kShowFPS = false;
const float kUpdatesPerSecond = 60.0f;
const float kIdealInterval = (1.0f / kUpdatesPerSecond);
const float kTicksPerSecond = 60;
const float kSecondsPerTick = 1.0f / kTicksPerSecond;
const bool kPhysicsAllowSleeping = true;
const bool kPhysicsContinuous = true;
const bool kPhysicsUseGhostVertices = false;
const int kPhysicsVelocityIterations = 8;
const int kPhysicsPositionIterations = 1;
const int kDefaultArea = 0;
const int kDefaultLevel = 0;
const int kMaxPlayers = 2;
const int kMaxJumpStrength = 3;
const int kMaxMissileStrength = 3;
const float kPixelScale = 2.0f;
const float kSlowMotionFactor = 0.25f;
const float kSatFactor = 255.0f / 100.0f; // convert 100 max saturation to 255
const Color3B kColorHealth(255, 80, 90);
const Color3B kColorXP(90, 255, 80);
const Color3B kColorGold(255, 255, 0);
const char* const kFont = "font.fnt";
const int kMagicBallMaxOpacity = 164;
const float kLevelTransitionDuration = 0.75f;
const float kDelayBeforeNextLevel = (0.1f * 5.0f); // length of ko anim
const float kLevelObjectNearByDistance = 512.0f; // in points
const bool kLevelAutoSmoothStairs = false;
const float kCharacterDefaultReactionDuration = 0.309f;
const double kCharacterDamageBlinkDuration = 0.618;
const int kCharacterDamageBlinks = 4;
const int kCharacterDamageBlinkOpacity = 128;
const float kItemDelayBeforePickup = 0.5f;
const float kChestOpenDistance = 40.0f;
const char* const kLevelMultiplayer = "Arena.tmx";
const char* const kMultiplayerAppKeyiOS = "6b70009cc9231abbe8faa9c0adb6e5f9";
const char* const kMultiplayerAppKeyAndroid = "d5bef4921508c50f15a616d0dfcb670c";


Tags allow Cocos2D nodes to be found easily with getChildByTag().

	kTagLevelScene = 1100,

XP minimums

This array of experience point minimums are used to determine the level of a player.

const int kXPMinimums[] =
	12, 18, 28, 40, 56, 75, 97, 123, 151, 183,
	217, 255, 296, 340, 387, 437, 491, 547, 606, 669,
	734, 802, 874, 948, 1025, 1105, 1188, 1274, 1363, 1455,
	1549, 1646, 1746, 1849, 1954, 2062, 2173, 2286, 2402, 2521,
const int kNumXPMinimums = sizeof(kXPMinimums) / sizeof(kXPMinimums[0]);
const int kMaxXPLevel = kNumXPMinimums - 1;