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Additionally, when I tried to run the game with my leveltest.tmx map (I ran it in 4.2 with the Active Config set on Release) the iphone simulator loaded Quexlor, but when I clicked New Game, it crashed. All my file names and headers and directories are correct. When building and running it, the ...

Yeah, take a look at your assets, if you are using stereo sounds try resampling them to mono and see how much size you save. In the new kit you'll see Nat is using pvr's with Texture Packer to save device memory but they may also save on disk space. While .png's load and look good, if you can get...

Nat - I think we need to know what the goal of the hi-res design is? Do we want: 1. The game to appear to be the same on the retina display, only sharper (hd) images? 2. The game to appear twice as big (same as iPad) on the retina display? (this actually makes the game visible area twice as large...

Here is an image comparing Tiled 0.5.1 (left) with the newer 0.6(right). In the image you can see how the rock image from ground.png was used as a placeholder image for the weakrock object on the object layer. A level made in 0.6 still works in 0.5.1 (it looks like the image on the left), but if...

Hmmm perhaps whoever told you that should look at the 8 direction sprite images.... Open "barbarian-king-attack-e0004.png" and "barbarian-king-attack-w0004.png", now "flip horizontal" the east image. How does it compare to the west image? All of sudden the king is now left handed? :-) Yes, when...

Reply To: Buttons Not Working

Hi Nat, Thanks for the ideas. There is no transparency. I reduced the menu to one button only, and added some text to the background and button so I knew which images were displaying. I also have put in a default launch image. I am running the iPad 6.0 Simulator. When the app starts, the...

CCZSprite and HudLevelSprite, Two Cocos2D Extensions You Need to Know About

Solving a Z-Ordering Issue The square containing our hero sprite covers the rock above... ...A possible solution causes the background to bleed through... ...Ahhh. Fixed! Cocos2D is quite a complete 2D game engine and it is always growing. However, what do you do when it just can...

New iPhone Game Kit 3.4 Update

Great news. We've just released the 3.4 version of the iPhone Game Kit! Much has been improved, especially the Xcode 4 projects & screenshots, Tiled 0.6.1 walkthrough, and TexturePacker guide. A New Book We've completely revamped the book and publishing guide. They are now 8.5" x 11" so m...

...Here’s a video of how I made my own character in 3D and exported the images for the sprite sheet. I have a feeling all of Reiner’s characters were made in a similar fashion, using 3D and exporting isometric images in 8 direc...

Nat - no worries, if I can help in any way just let me know. I'm back from holiday and will be banging out code first thing tomorrow. @pbacchi - in my current (0.99.5) project I use two spritesheets, one is 1024x1024 for non HD and the other has HD images and is 2048x2048. I determine which one s...

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